Sunday, January 1, 2017

The Ultimate List Of Tips That You Can Deploy Immediately To #DoubleYourSales In 2017

Before you get cracking on these tips, let me give you a real quick background on how it all got started…

  1. After completing Digital Marketers Six Week Double Your Sales Course, I set the target of helping 300 Sunshine Coast Business Owners to Double Their Sales in 2017.
  2. I started posting tips to help them get started on my Facebook Page with the hashtag #DoubleYourSales
  3. I started getting requests likeHey Beanie I can’t find tip two, do you know where it is? So I decided to put the tips all together in one place, so you can quickly and easily find them.

As well as putting them together here in this blog post, I’m also adding them to a live spreadsheet {that I update each time I post a new tip} called the…

#DoubleYourSales Cheat Sheet, to get access to it text the word Double to 0428 479 700 and I’ll send a link to the Cheat Sheet to your phone.

Right let’s get into it…

#DoubleYourSales Tip 001;

Are people constantly haggling with you on price even though your product – service is far superior to that which your competition offers?

The problem lies in the fact that people buy purely on price, when they have no other way to compare two products.

The solution is to create what Digital Marketer calls a Statement Of Value, so that people understand exactly what you offer, and why it’s so good.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 002;

To double your sales in the first 6 to 12 weeks of 2017 you’re going to need email automation.

Sounds expensive right? Wrong!

You can get started for FREE with Drip => {Aff Link}


#DoubleYourSales Tip 003;

The Law Of Compensation…

Your ability to earn more is tied to three things…

  1. The need for what you do.
  2. Your ability to do it.
  3. The difficulty there is in replacing you.

#DoubleYourSales Tip 004;

Not all posts are equal…

Anyone can post to their Facebook timeline.

But very few people can do this…

1. Write a post that stops the scroll {what people do when they’re on their phones.

2. Get them to click, message them watch a video etc.

3. Turn that interest into an enquiry.



#DoubleYourSales Tip 005;

You can’t BORE people into buying…

The way you make your offers is incredible important.

Let me give you an example…

I saw this offer the other day.

I’m really quiet this time of year so I’ll do {insert service} for this ridiculously low price

That offer SCREAMS two things…

1. I’m desperate for business.
2. Beat me down on price!


#DoubleYourSales Tip 006;

Time Management is a joke. You can’t manage time, but what you can manage is activities. Bob Proctor

How many times have you heard this?

You need to work on your business, instead of in your business.

But where do you find the time to do that right? No one tells you that part do they?

There’s a simple solution that’ll cost you nothing {even though Charles Schwab allegedly paid $25K for it back in 1908 when $25k was worth something} and you can do it right now.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 007;

If there’s a company giving away FREE beer they have my attention.

 #DoubleYourSales Tip 008;

Regardless of the Social Media Platform that your using, there’s certain Marketing Principles that remain the same.

I’ve never ever professed to be a Linkedin Guru, but I still know how to use is effectively.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 009;

Create a movement…

Are you the Sunshine Coast Business Owner that’s going to play the critical role in the #DoubleYourSales Tip 9; movement?

I’ve set the target of helping 300 Sunshine Coast Business Owners to Double their Sales in 2017 for a very good reason.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 010;

When the knockers start knocking you, CELEBRATE!!

They’re scared of the progress that you’re making which is leaving them behind.

Text the word Double to 0428 479 700 to get the #DoubleYourSales Cheat Sheet sent to your phone

#DoubleYourSales Crash Course

#DoubleYourSales Tip 011;

Be a BAD Business Owner…

Stop trying to be perfect and pretend that every-things ok…

Because business and life are messy and nothing is ever perfect.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 012;

Business’s can thrive on kindness đŸ™‚


#DoubleYourSales Tip 013;

You’ve heard the saying, the money’s in the list?

It’s completely wrong!

The money’s in the relationship you have with the list, and the strength of the relationship depends on the value that you deliver to them.

#DoubleYourSales Tip 014;

Your ability to #DoubleYourSales quickly is directly tied to your ability to solve problems.

The bigger the problems that you can solve = the more people that you can help = the more valuable you and your business become.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 015; 

Feed Your Marketing Mind Daily…

The best way that you can do this is by listening to Podcasts when you’re driving.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 016; 

The person that delivers the most value to their market wins.

It’s called results in advance, these #DoubleYourSales tips are a prime example.

You can literally start putting the steps in place {right now} to #DoubleYourSales by deploying these tips.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 017; 

It does HURT to ask for the sale, if you ask at the wrong time” Ryan Deiss

Getting the sequence of your offer rights is critical, and if you’re not using lead – magnets {cheat sheets, check lists, etc} you’re leaving a lot of money on the table in missed sales.


#DoubleYourSales Tip 018; Coming tomorrow…


#DoubleYourSales Crash Course

Text the word Double to 0428 479 700 to get the #DoubleYourSales Cheat Sheet sent to your phone

from WordPress

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