Thursday, June 15, 2017

The F word gets thrown around a lot, but is it the secret to peak performance?

They say that hard work never killed anyone, don’t listen to them it’s bullshit

Recently I was running an in – depth training sessions on Social Media Marketing for a group of Business owners in Brisbane.

 And that first sentence at the top of this post, was my closing remark.

 I had two key points that I wanted to get through to them…

  1. You have to subtract to multiply, or you’ll work yourself to death.
  2. If you’re not getting the results that you want from your marketing, psychology not strategy is your real problem.

 By the way, this wasn’t your average run of the mill group.

 They hadn’t just turned up to listen to me speak at some $97 ahead breakfast networking group.

 They’re all investing heavily in creating peak performance businesses.

 I told them the story of my Dad.

I told them how he’d passed away almost 5 years ago now, at way to young of an age and I believe that a big part of that was that he literally worked himself to death.

One of his favourite saying was “bite of more than you can chew and then chew like hell”

For years I lived by that advice, until I realised just how unproductive and destructive that it is.

I was sitting talking with a mate of mine just the other day that did his apprenticeship with me under my Dad.

He reminded me of how when we sat down for morning smoko {at 9am precisely} that Dad would take of his watch and place it on the table where everyone could see it.

Smoko finished at 9:15 and there wasn’t’ an arse still in a seat at 1 second past 9:15

He taught us the value of time, and I’ll always be extremely grateful for that, we all need to understand the value of time.

But he placed far too much emphasis on being busy just for the sake of being busy.

If we had nothing to do {which was extremely rare} his mantra was pick up a broom and sweep the floor.

And what if the floor’s already clean was always my smartass reply?

Sweep it again he’d say, don’t be standing around doing nothing.

Being busy for the sake of being busy isn’t productive, trust me I know as I became exceptional at it.

I can tell you from experience {I’ve done it three times} it leads to frustration and burnout.

Don’t think for a minute that I’m knocking my Dad.

With the information that he had available to him, he did an exceptional job of training us apprentices.

There’s no way in hell that I’d be anywhere near where I am in life without his guidance and advice.

But each generation needs to advance and do things better than the one before it.

I know that one day {they already are} my own kids will be doing things much better than I could ever have imagined.

I go back to the question that’s the headline for this post.

The F word gets thrown around a lot, but is it the secret to peak performance?

Let me introduce you to Flow {long story short, It’s a heightened state of decision making}

Before you dismiss Flow as hocus pocus consider this…

McKinsey conducted 10 year peak performance study of top executives and found that they’re 500% more productive in flow and…

If you can increase the amount of time your employees are in flow by just 20%, your overall workplace productivity would double.



Now imagine if that 20% increased flow time was spent working on the $1000 to $10,000 per hour tasks in this blog post.

So that’s point one covered off…

You have to subtract to multiply.

Let’s crack on with point two…

If you’re not getting the results that you want from your marketing, psychology not strategy is your real problem.

The marketing and advertising industry has long perpetuated a lie.

And that lie is…

If you’re advertising – marketing isn’t producing results, then you need to do more of it.

 “You have to get your name out there” is the bullshit catch phrase that they love to use.

 It’s sheer stupidity!

Think about it, what they’re actually suggesting that you do is…

Spend a heap more money doing more of the same thing that’s not currently working for you.

Albert Einstein summed it up perfectly…

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

They’ll then point out that “Big Brands” like K.F.C. and Coke all do it that way, but what they forget to mention is…

Both of those brands started out with one single person selling the product one on one, they didn’t get started by blasting out a message to the masses and hoping for the best.

If what you’re currently doing isn’t working, what you really need to do is…

Remove what’s not working and is just wasting your time and money.

In fact let me give you a crash course in Social Media in just 1 minute right now…


There’s no much hype, jargon and bullshit spread around about Social Media, that I created a Facebook Live show called…

The Truth about Social Media For Business.

You can check out all of the episodes on the Sunshine Coast Social Media Facebook Business Page by clicking here.

Pinned to the top is my favourite episode the Jim Morrison episode.

And on that note I’ll leave you with a Jim Morrison quote…

I like people that shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable

If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable right now that’s a good thing.

It means that you’re not prepared to put up with being lied to anymore, and you’re ready to hear the truth.

How MAD {Majestic – Adaptive – Disruptive} is your business?

Click here to take the quick five question MADNESS TEST To Discover If You’re Ready To Create A Biz – Brand That’s MAD. 

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