Saturday, September 24, 2016

Are you MAD enough to believe that growing your business 10 X is easier than growing it 2 X?


Majestic Adaptive – Disruptive

I’m tipping the first thing that runs through your mind when you see those three words above is…

I get Majestic and Adaptive, but why Disruptive? I mean, you don’t want to make trouble for yourself, do you?

Let me explain the reason behind disruptive.

I always hated school, and to be fair, I wasn’t a favourite of many of the teachers either.

The whole ‘sit down, sit up, look up, shut up’ thing didn’t work for me. I was just too disruptive for it to work.

Fast forward almost 30 years and the very {I liked to think of it as a skill even back then} act of being disruptive is no longer a negative. In the real world of business, it’s become an essential skill that you must master for your business to survive and thrive.

You either disrupt yourself, or someone else will. For any company, sitting still equals death. I believe that we are now experiencing only a tiny fraction of the rate of disruptive change we will see over the next 10 years Peter Diamandis

Take a quick look around you at what’s currently happening.

  1. Uber is the biggest taxi provider and they own no cars.
  2. AirBNB owns no real estate yet it’s the largest accommodation provider.
  3. 3 D printing – well, what can I say, they’ve printed houses, cars and body parts so far.


I could go on and on with examples, but I reckon you have the point.

As my mentor Barry Bull says…

There’s two choices for business owners – adapt or die.

And believe you me, Barry knows what he’s talking about, because…

Barry built the Iconic Brisbane Music Store Toombul Music that hosted Rock Stars such as Cliff Richard, and not even he could fight the might of the internet. In 2008 Toombul Music shut its doors forever.


Never change things by fighting the existing reality… To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete. – R. Buckminster Fuller

Are You MAD enough to change your Paradigm to change your results?

Before you can decide whether or not you’re committed to changing your paradigm, first you have to truly understand what a paradigm is.

Up until just recently I thought that I fully understood it, but it was only when I read the quote below that I finally realised just how powerful a paradigm could be.

A paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behaviour, and almost all of our behaviour is habitual. – Bob Proctor

Re-read that sentence a couple of times. It’s extremely powerful, and here’s why…

According to Bob Proctor, your paradigm controls…

  • Your perception
  • Your use of time
  • Your creativity
  • Your productivity
  • Your logic

So to say that it’s critical to your results going forward is pretty much an understatement, right?


So if your paradigm controls your use of time, imagine what you could achieve if you did this.

Think of it this way for a moment. Let’s suppose you just mastered the use of your time.You manage your activities. When you wake up in the morning, you’re productive. You really get things flying.

Have you any idea if that was the only thing you changed, how much more money you’d earn?

It would be enormous. Bob Proctor

Now imagine what you’d achieve if these were the activities that you were managing…

According to  Perry Marshall in his must read book the…

80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making More {aff link}

There are eight tasks (that he calls $1000 per hour tasks) and nine tasks (that he calls $10,000 per hour tasks) that you should focus the majority of your time and energy on.

Just before we go any further, legally I have to tell you this, so it may as well be now…

The figures that I’m using in this post are purely for demonstration purposes. I am in no way making any claims about how much money you can or will make.

I know nothing about you or your business, so I can’t possible know if this will work for you.

Right, now we have that out of the way – let’s keep moving.

These are the $1000 per hour task that Perry talks about in his book.

  1. Planning & prioritising your day
  2. Negotiating with a qualified prospect
  3. Building your sales funnel
  4. Judging marketing tests and experiments
  5. Creating pay per click campaigns
  6. Doing Social Media with extreme competence (this is very rare)
  7. Delegating complex tasks
  8. Writing sales copy

These are the $10K per hour tasks

  1. Improving your USP
  2. Creating new and better offers
  3. Repositioning your message and position
  4. Executing bolt from the blue brilliant ideas
  5. Negotiating major deals
  6. Selling to high–value customers and groups
  7. Selecting team members
  8. Public Speaking
  9. Establishing values and culture

When most people read through that list they’ll come up with a ton of excuses why they don’t have the resources to be able to perform them.

Are You MAD enough to realize resources aren’t your problem?


Here’s proof of what Tony Robbins has to say about resources in the video above.

Click here to read the blog post titled…

Time management is a joke, you can’t manage time, nobody can manage time. What you can manage is activities. Bob Proctor

In that one blog post, I give you 23 FREE resources which is all of the information that you need to be able to start performing those $1K & $10K per hour tasks immediately.

Or you could also read another blog post called…

How To Transform Your Business Into the Go-To Business In Your Industry, With the 21 Step Local Business Domination Blueprint.

Between those two posts there’s more FREE resources than you could possible use in a year, to grow your business exponentially.

People are in a vibration that’s giving them results that they don’t want, but they’re comfortable in it. That’s what you call a comfort zone. They may not like the results, but they feel comfortable. – Bob Proctor

If you’ve liked this post so far {you’re definitely a little MAD} then you’ll love this.

I’m about to open the door to a small coaching group {only 8 biz owners}

The MAD program. It isn’t for business owners that need it, it’s for business owners that want it.

When people pay, they pay attention. – Joe Polish

I’ve very deliberately priced it {$1497 + GST per month} to flush out highly motivated individuals that are determined to change their paradigm and their results.

And it’s about getting results, 10 X results!

To learn, you need a certain degree of confidence. Not too much, and not too little. If you have too little confidence you’ll think you can’t learn. If you have too much confidence, you’ll think you don’t have to learn. – Eric Hoffer

If you’re ready to hang around with people that’ll celebrate your MADNESS – not people that criticise or tolerate it – click here, head over and sign up to the Early Bird List to be the first notified when the program is live.

I’ll leave you with one last Bob Proctor quote…

All you need to do is understand how to do, what you already know how to do. – Bob Proctor

Click here and leave your details if you’re as MAD as me.

from WordPress

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